What Dues Shall Our Parents Receive?

So. Listen, then, that this story might ring awhile longer between the hills…

Now these two cousins were identical in every respect, and shared to the timing of a second their births. Of the surpassing beauty of their parents they had more than a share, and moreover to that great boon — so loved of this world, just as you know — were added grace and wisdom and talent, such that all who saw them upon the high ways of the town, or bespoke them in the white-lit aisles of the stores, or strove with them in friendly rivalry upon the grassy fields and dusty alleys marevelled exceeding marvel at them. They grew as weeds do with the first rain, so that they were of six years bigness after two years, and reached their pubescence when they were but five years old. And therewith they took them from their parents and went out into the wide world. Much aggrieved were their two mothers and their two fathers, and cast down, and set they to wailing before the courthouses of the town, both day and night, until sympathy and patience ran out in that town, and thereupon — just as you know — they were cast willy-nilly into several madhouses. So it was with their most lamented parents.

But with the cousins, out in the world, ran a different story…